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Dear collegues and cardioneuroablation friends,

time goes quickly and September 2021 is around the corner. Due to COVID-19 the third edition of the workshop will be held on-line.

Enclosed please find the preliminary content which will be available from the 7th of September, 2021.  This day, the main session with pre-recorded lectures and live expert panel discussion will take place from 5 p.m. CET to 7:45 p.m. CET.

All lectures will remain available at the
after the workshop up to our next conference in 2022.
Looking forward to meeting you on line on the 7th of September 2021,

Piotr Kulakowski and Roman Piotrowski



IIIrd Warsaw Cardioneuroablation Workshop
On-line – 5:00 – 8:05 p.m CET on the 7th of September, 2021

5.00-5:05 Piotr Kulakowski. Introduction

5:05-5:20 Michele Brignole. Reflex syncope – diagnosis and treatment

5:20-5:35 Carlos Morillo. Cardioneuroablation – current status

5:35-5:50 Tolga Aksu. How to localize ganglionated plexi?

5:50-6:05 Dan Wichterle. How to perform cardioneuroablation – which ganglionated plexi and in which order?

6:05-6:20 Jose Pachon. Controlled and Randomized Studies. How to standardize them?

6:20-6:30 Alan Bulava. “Cardioneuroablation – Budweis Hospital Experience”

6:30-6:40 Roman Piotrowski. Grochowski Hospital experience

6:40-7:00 World-wide experience in cardioneuroablation – case presentations/short reports (up to 5 min each presentation) from various centers.

7:00-7:10 Breake

7:10 – 8:00 Live expert panel –  questions to presenters and discussion on the current status and future directions of cardioneuroablation.
(M. Brignole, C. Morillo, T. Aksu, D. Wichterle, A. Bulava, R. Piotrowski and J.C. Pachon. Moderator: P. Kulakowski)

8:00 – 8:05 Roman Piotrowski. Concluding remarks.
Cardioneuroablation procedure – pre-recorded video from live case available all the time at the website.



Tolga Aksu
Yeditepe University Hospital, Instabul, Turkey

Michele Brignole
IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milan, Italy

Alan Bulava
Department of Cardiology, Ceske Budejovice Hospital, Czechia
Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University of South Bohemia, Czechia
Faculty of Medicine, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czechia

Piotr Kulakowski
Department of Cardiology, Grochowski Hospital, Centre for Postgraduate Medical Education , Warsaw, Poland

Carlos A. Morillo
Department of Cardiac Sciences, Cumming School of Medicine
Section Chief Division of Cardiology, Libin Cardiovascular Institute, University of Calgary
Zone Head Cardiology Calgary & Southeastern Alberta Region
Alberta Health Services Foothills Medical Centre

Jose Carlos Pachon
Electrophysiology and Pacing
International Board Heart Rhythm Examiners Certified Cardiac Device Specialist
Professor of Post-Graduation of São Paulo University-USP – Dante Pazzanese Cardiology Institute
Director of the São Paulo Heart Hospital Arrhythmias Service

Roman Piotrowski
Department of Cardiology, Grochowski Hospital, , Centre for Postgraduate Medical Education Warsaw, Poland

Dan Wichterle
Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM), Prague, Czech Republic

Cardionuroablation 2020

